Haz-Mat Assist Sta 70 - Bethany Beach
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Millsboro was requested to assist DNREC with a fuel spill in Bethany Beach. Station 70 responded to a fuel spill at McDonalds in Middlesex Beach. Arriving personnel found a van with a ruptured gas tank. Foam was applied to gas that had been spread across the parking area and around the building. Containers were used to collect additional gas leaking from the tank and absorbent spread on the spill. The scene was placed under control, assistance was requested from DNREC and Millsboro's Haz-Mat trailer for clean-up. The absorbent used was placed in drums along with the remaining gas and secured for DNREC for disposal. The drums were removed by Millsboro Haz-Mat unit.